Sour powers!
Well if any of you know me I am a junk food junkie!
If you grew up in Olney than chances are you have been to the trading post. Well My brother and I or friends and I were regular customers there. We used to ride our bikes there almost everyday in the summer. We would always stop at the hospital pretend to see my mom and load up on free soda and chipped ice(she worked in the O.B. dept), then ask for money and head to get our junk. Sour Powers were my favorite! I do believe they were 10 cents a piece and the little older gentleman would put them in a neat white bag for you. I still can remember how he would shake the bag to the side to open it up and put in a dollars worth of heaven in it! Well the trading post has shut down and I did notice that there is even a hole in the roof. Oh how I wish my kids could have that same enjoyment that I had as a kid. Well needless to say I was at Dollar General and noticed on the last shelf of the candy aisle a box that said sower power belts on it. I decided I would try just one to see if they were anything like the straws or if it was a hoax. Guess what I know where I am going tomorrow as soon as I get the chance! I think I might buy the whole box. Look out Dollar general and cavities here I come! No I won't share either, okay if you ask nicely!

I am a fellow Sour Power lover too! I mentioned it on my blog recently as well and I just bought some last week off of Ebay. Most of the sour punch stuff is sooooo not the real thing, at least in my experience. Here's a link to where I got mine on Ebay, complete with the little white tongs. Now you just need some little white sacks. :)
Click Here
That's too funny! I miss the Trading Post, too. It was always fun to try to beat the crowd in high school. Plus, when you're walking you eat most of it on the way!
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