What the......
Payton came to me 2 nights ago and said mom I have a rash starting on my forehead look. So I looked and said oh I see. (it looked like a cluster of pimples to me but was not going to tell her that) Well last night she shows me again and it has spread a little bit more and she says it itches. Well I really didn't know what to tell besides don't scratch it and we will see if it gets worse. She goes to her room and Brad just looks at me and "one of the symptoms of the swine flu is a rash." WTH??!! So I immediately get defensive and say whatever I am sick of hearing the crap about the swine flu and Payton doesn't have it!
Brads secretary's son came by the office to tell her that he just came from the doctor the told him he had it and gave him some tamiflu. I then heard a few other people said there doctor says they have it to. Well this really ticks me off because it is putting everyone in a tissy over this.
Doctor Megan: so you are not felling well okay vomiting, headache
Jane Doe: no doctor I just don't feel good but I did manage to drive myself here and take my kids to school and go to the bank.
Doctor Megan: yep, yep well Jane lets test you for influenza A and B.
Jane Doe: Okay great
Doctor Megan: Well Jane looks like those came back negative so yep you have the dundundun swine flu.
Jane Doe: The dundundun swine flu don't you need to test me to make sure.
Doctor Megan: Oh no that test is $400.00 and I am saying you have it. So here go to the pharmacy and get this and have a great day. Oh and don't forget to pay $160.00 in office visit before you leave
Jane Doe: I am on my way to the pharmacy to spread my sickly dundundun swine flu germs to everyone.
NO I am not crazy just sick of the bullshit. These doctors are not testing for this and I know first hand from my mom. She is guilty of it to she said she has seen many H1N1 cases. I asked her if she tested them and she said oh no it is to expensive. Unless the person is very ill and about to go to the hospital or in the hospital they will not test. Well for us not so doctor smart normal people (sorry Mom) you are causing a big stir!!!!! What could be a simple stomach virus or respiratory thing going on you are slapping a not positive diagnosis on and sending these people home to tell all their friends oh my God Doctor Megan says I have the dundundun swine flu! It spreads to other people hey did you hear that Jane Doe has the swine flu shut down the school where her kids go and don't go to the place where she works oh and did you see her husband last night? I waved at him oh no my stomach hurts I think I have the swine flu for waving at him oh I think I am going to die.
Okay I think you get my point and no the children and people it has killed I feel for their families because I just don't know it could happen to us and then I would feel very shitting for posting this well part of it anyways.
Come on people if you take proper precautions maybe just maybe your family won't get it. No I don't mean run out to the nearest flu vaccination clinic. I choose not to get the shot for me or my kids. I might regret that and I might not. To me there is not enough research. I feel like they just threw it together because everyone is scared and not to mention someone is making a killing on it. (okay bad choose of words). This choose is not for everyone and I am not saying you are a bad parents for getting the shot either. It is what you feel comfortable with. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
My mom did send me and e-mail with a few things to help prevent you from getting it so I have been having the kids do it before bed and before school. Okay last night and today doesn't count I just remembered we didn't do it. It is a few simple and cheap things to try
1. Gargle with warm salt water this will help kill germs. Salt has some awesome uses besides tasting oh so yummy on my popcorn
2. Take a q-tip and swab the inside of you nostrils with that same salt water.
3. Rinse out your cup and fill it back up with very warm water, and drink it. This is to help kill the germs inside your body
4. Blow your nose really hard about 4 times a day. Tell your kids to blow so hard you want to see if they can blow pieces of brains out. Sick I know but I am a mother of two boys that love that gross stuff so it works for me.
5. Simple WASH your HANDS a lot!!!!!!!! Don't go sneeze in your hand and then go touch something or watch your child do it and not say anything. Your kids may not like to wash their hands but hey you are their parent make them after a few times of being consistent it will become habit.
Well what ever anybody does good luck to all But please help the spread of germs! Germ-x, soap, Lysol whatever you choose is fine with me and the world!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Good Morning blog world!
Well it is 8:51 I am still in my jamms and I have no motivation. This the story of my life these days. I don't have to be to work until 12:30 so what do I do. That is where you come in. I am trying to be a little more organized with my time and I just thought i would type out what I have done this week and what I have yet to do.
Monday: Um geez I don't even think that I can think that far back.Okay can't remember I know I worked some in there. oh I remembered I took my recylce stuff.
Tuesday: Well Miles did not come today they went on vacation and got back late Monday night. I have a whole post on that little scoot. I cleaned the bathrooms,the wood,floors,wiped down the couches, gave dogs bath,fbked,fell in love with grid shock game on fb(thanks a ton Katie).Ran some errands, picked up little people from school, went to vin. got home around 6:30,did homework,read,played more grid shock,took Payton to dance,picked Payton up got kids showers did laundry, fbked played more grid shock(yes I know addict). Went to bed.
Wed. Got kids ready to go to school, fixed bfast,took kids, came home and payed bills,balanced checkbook. Got onto fb and played grid shock. Blogged and then got ready for work. Went to work came home ate lunch, went to school got script card to go to wal-mart. Went to wal-mart spent more than my script card almost late picking up little people. Got home did homework, read, got on yes you guessed it fb, went to work, laundry, fixed supper, off to karate and religion. Took Patton home after religion and went and hung out with Jodi S. Thanks Jodi I needed that! Came home and went to bed.
This weekend I know we are going to the parade and no my kids are not going to be in it. I want to enjoy the parade and so do they.
Sat. work and then a birthday party and then trick or treating.
Sunday: church it is my moms birthday. Payton has her first competition and then home to cook supper and celebrate moms b-day.
I think I have my weekend filled up so I guess I had better get of my rump and do something! That does not consist of grid shock:)
Well it is 8:51 I am still in my jamms and I have no motivation. This the story of my life these days. I don't have to be to work until 12:30 so what do I do. That is where you come in. I am trying to be a little more organized with my time and I just thought i would type out what I have done this week and what I have yet to do.
Monday: Um geez I don't even think that I can think that far back.Okay can't remember I know I worked some in there. oh I remembered I took my recylce stuff.
Tuesday: Well Miles did not come today they went on vacation and got back late Monday night. I have a whole post on that little scoot. I cleaned the bathrooms,the wood,floors,wiped down the couches, gave dogs bath,fbked,fell in love with grid shock game on fb(thanks a ton Katie).Ran some errands, picked up little people from school, went to vin. got home around 6:30,did homework,read,played more grid shock,took Payton to dance,picked Payton up got kids showers did laundry, fbked played more grid shock(yes I know addict). Went to bed.
Wed. Got kids ready to go to school, fixed bfast,took kids, came home and payed bills,balanced checkbook. Got onto fb and played grid shock. Blogged and then got ready for work. Went to work came home ate lunch, went to school got script card to go to wal-mart. Went to wal-mart spent more than my script card almost late picking up little people. Got home did homework, read, got on yes you guessed it fb, went to work, laundry, fixed supper, off to karate and religion. Took Patton home after religion and went and hung out with Jodi S. Thanks Jodi I needed that! Came home and went to bed.
This weekend I know we are going to the parade and no my kids are not going to be in it. I want to enjoy the parade and so do they.
Sat. work and then a birthday party and then trick or treating.
Sunday: church it is my moms birthday. Payton has her first competition and then home to cook supper and celebrate moms b-day.
I think I have my weekend filled up so I guess I had better get of my rump and do something! That does not consist of grid shock:)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
To be comfortable in your own skin......
Well Payton has been not herself lately and I just can't put my finger on it. She is depressed acting and I don't like it. She comes home and goes straight to her room and shuts the door. That or she is just never home. We went to vin. last night and on our way she did not say two words. I finally asked her what the deal was and she started crying and told me that I would think it was stupid and laugh at her. I told her that I was 15 once and whatever it was that it wasn't stupid to her so it must be important. She said that she hates her body and thinks that she is ugly and fat. UHH dumbfounded I told her that she was beautiful and she had a body that most women pay high dollar for. She has a set of "girls" that women pay $20,000 or more for. She has muscles that I wish I had! I also told her that God made us this way and that everyone had flaws no matter what! I said that what we want changed only we can change so if she wants to fix something it will take hard work and dedication but she could do it.
Does anyone have some advice on what to say to her? The pressures in today's society to be this model stick figure is ridiculous! I know that is what every kid sees and thinks that is beauty but its not. The percentage of Americans who are over weight out weigh the ones in the magazines by a long shot! It is so hard to fix a broken child I feel helpless and don't know what to do for her.
I do know That Payton I love you more than life itself and you are perfect to me in every way!
Well Payton has been not herself lately and I just can't put my finger on it. She is depressed acting and I don't like it. She comes home and goes straight to her room and shuts the door. That or she is just never home. We went to vin. last night and on our way she did not say two words. I finally asked her what the deal was and she started crying and told me that I would think it was stupid and laugh at her. I told her that I was 15 once and whatever it was that it wasn't stupid to her so it must be important. She said that she hates her body and thinks that she is ugly and fat. UHH dumbfounded I told her that she was beautiful and she had a body that most women pay high dollar for. She has a set of "girls" that women pay $20,000 or more for. She has muscles that I wish I had! I also told her that God made us this way and that everyone had flaws no matter what! I said that what we want changed only we can change so if she wants to fix something it will take hard work and dedication but she could do it.
Does anyone have some advice on what to say to her? The pressures in today's society to be this model stick figure is ridiculous! I know that is what every kid sees and thinks that is beauty but its not. The percentage of Americans who are over weight out weigh the ones in the magazines by a long shot! It is so hard to fix a broken child I feel helpless and don't know what to do for her.
I do know That Payton I love you more than life itself and you are perfect to me in every way!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkins and Halloween party
St. Joe had their annual pumpkins contest and Halloween party last Thursday night. The kids didn't win but I can say they did their pumpkins all by themselves except for the cutting. They wanted good old fashioned jackolanterns and were very proud of them! The costumes turned out nice to. Patton made what I thought was a cheesy costume look very cute! They were very excited about getting their faces painted to.

St. Joe had their annual pumpkins contest and Halloween party last Thursday night. The kids didn't win but I can say they did their pumpkins all by themselves except for the cutting. They wanted good old fashioned jackolanterns and were very proud of them! The costumes turned out nice to. Patton made what I thought was a cheesy costume look very cute! They were very excited about getting their faces painted to.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Halloween Costumes errr.....
Well we have 2 days until the big Halloween parade at St. Joe and our costumes are not complete. Not that this is anything out of the norm but every year I say I am going to get them early so we won't have to fret about anything or have to run all over earths creation trying to find something. I guess I really don't get to worked up about them but I do want my kids to look cute. I was going to order their costumes a couple of weeks back, but I just have a hard time spending all that money on a costume that they are going to wear once! Yes the ones at Wal-mart are a lot cheaper but it shows! I then say well I don't want to spend $15-$20.00 on junk either. Where is the happy medium. I really forget what Halloween is all about, the kids. Patton reminded me this morning when I sat them down at breakfast and told them we are going to have pick something else for a costume because I was not buying the stupid crap at Wal-mart! Patton spoke up and said but mommy it is not stupid crap to me! So I looked at him and said okay and I went to Wal-mart and bought the costumes I said I wasn't going to buy, brought it home and the boys have decided to go another route. So with two days left I think we have Parker's costume taking care of, now we have to work on Patton's! I guess all that matters is that they have fun at the party:) Trick or treating to all!
Well we have 2 days until the big Halloween parade at St. Joe and our costumes are not complete. Not that this is anything out of the norm but every year I say I am going to get them early so we won't have to fret about anything or have to run all over earths creation trying to find something. I guess I really don't get to worked up about them but I do want my kids to look cute. I was going to order their costumes a couple of weeks back, but I just have a hard time spending all that money on a costume that they are going to wear once! Yes the ones at Wal-mart are a lot cheaper but it shows! I then say well I don't want to spend $15-$20.00 on junk either. Where is the happy medium. I really forget what Halloween is all about, the kids. Patton reminded me this morning when I sat them down at breakfast and told them we are going to have pick something else for a costume because I was not buying the stupid crap at Wal-mart! Patton spoke up and said but mommy it is not stupid crap to me! So I looked at him and said okay and I went to Wal-mart and bought the costumes I said I wasn't going to buy, brought it home and the boys have decided to go another route. So with two days left I think we have Parker's costume taking care of, now we have to work on Patton's! I guess all that matters is that they have fun at the party:) Trick or treating to all!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Well Parker finally saved up enough $$ to buy his new ride. We went to the bank cashed it all in and went to find uncle Mike(I pitched in the rest of the $$) Parker worked very hard to save his money for the past couple of months and he ended up with a decent amount great job little buddy:) He even was looking under all the aisles in Wal-mart to find loose change. Okay it was a little embarrassing having your kid on the dirty floor but it was fact of how excited and how much the 4-wheeler means to him. He did end up finding a little over a dollar I think. Okay I am sure some of you like me are a little nervous about a 7 year old boy on a 4-wheeler but rest assure that he knows the rules and the safety and knows what will happen if he breaks them. This also teaches him a valuable lesson that not everything in life will be handed to him the great benefits of hard work and dedication do pay off. So with that said congrats on your first major purchase in life Parker mom and dad are very proud of you:)
P.S. This is the middle Mann the redneck new favorite song maybe the little Mann won't be so hick like.lol not that being a hick is bad I am one myself I just choose to believe that there is a little bit of a city girl in me;-)

P.S. This is the middle Mann the redneck new favorite song maybe the little Mann won't be so hick like.lol not that being a hick is bad I am one myself I just choose to believe that there is a little bit of a city girl in me;-)

Monday, October 12, 2009
My family and I went to the Pumpkin Patch in Aurthur Il. It was a 200 acre patch with lots to do and lots of mums and pumpkins. 200 different varieties of Pumpkins to be exact.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Well I finally have something to blog about. It has been pretty boring around here. It seems like so much to do in so little time. I got the opportunity to go with Patton this year to the pumpkin patch in Barn Hill. It was a good time:) Patton is just soooo excited about Halloween and all the "boodiful" Decorations. I finally got my corn and hay and pumpkins arranged yesterday. Went to buy a few mums and the two places I checked today were out. I should have gotten them in Vincennes yesterday. Oh Well lifes to short to sweat about mums and the only person I am trying to impress is a 5 year old;-)
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