Well we finally m
ade it! We left
Olney Sat. night around 6:30
ish and stopped in Dayton Ohio around midnight to sleep. After hours of driving and beautiful scenery we made it to Hershey Pa. We got to the Chocolate factory and had a good time and I think I gained a few pounds:0
somewhere in West Virginia so pretty!

The street lights were
Hershey kisses. Some were wrapped and like this one some were not.
Patton's favorite Hershey syrup
mmm chocolate bars

Look Reid I thought of you when I seen this
Reese's beat K
itkat on the production count for the day. I will take a kit
kat any day it should have been #1

kiss anyone?

All in all the kids have done great with the travels. I was a little worried about the boys picking on each other, but they have done great. Hope Olney is doing okay:)
Thanks for the update! Looks like lots of delicious fun...continue enjoying your trip.
Have a great time!!
Looks like a lot of fun! Have a great time and enjoy your vacation!
Megan's temp. eMail address
while at the Pettry's.
Megan I am in the friggin
desert, while you enjoy the
green moutains ... not fair !!!
mannclan1979 @ yahoo.com
if put it correct will not post
on Blogger.
So here it is in longgg form.
Hope you guys are having a great vacation...tell my bro Happy Birthday for me tomorrow...tell the kids that Aunt Kristina said to have lots of fun and to pick on Harvey for me. :-) Looks like the Hershey factory was neat & delicious! Be safe & have fun! Love,
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