Well The White House was neat. Shimkus meet us and took us right in. There was a very long line and he took us through it and we got to the front and got right in. The first stop was the ball room. Wow! I could do some dancing in there! Parker was excited about the blue room he couldn't wait to see it. They put a 18 and a half Christmas tree in there. They have to move the chandelier to make room for it. Then to the red room. The walls are all covered in fabric it looks like paint but its not. There were fresh flowers everywhere. Gold eagles on everything, Nice pictures of all the old Presidents and statues all over the place. It is amazing to me the amount of money that is put into the appearance of everything. I guess to me for as broke as our nation is we could cut some of these unnecessary out. When we walked out of the front doors we looked up and seen a cute butterfly on one window and a dragonfly on another. We figured this was the first daughters room. Neat to see that real people do live there. Parker was sad at the end of the tour though he was hoping that he would see the President.
After the White House we went to the Holocaust museum. We went into a room that was called Daniel's house. Very heart felt and sad. What these Jews went through was horrific! I had tears in my eyes buy the end of it. We had a capitol tour at 2 so we viewed a bunch more of D.C. and rushed around. I think we figured we walked 10 miles! Poor Patton fell asleep on Brad's shoulders he even had a big nasty string of spit in Brad's hair! Brad insisted that we not bring a stroller for the little guy so he was responsible for him. Parker what a trooper did not complain but 2 times that he wanted to take a break. Payton has blisters on her toes. Three on her little toe all bunched together. I feel bad for her I am sure it hurts! The one thing I wanted to do was take the kids to the mint but the tickets were all gone by the time we got there. We thought about going back today but just don't have time. The capitol was neat not much to see we were not allowed to see congress in session so we just toured what we could. very pretty. Guys in suits everywhere. Everybody was go,go,go. If they could just slow down and enjoy life!
I think the best part for Patton was the Metro he loved putting money into the machines and passing out our tickets. He held on tight to his and thought the machine that took your ticket to get through was fun. One machine even gave us our tickets back! The boys have seen lots of homeless people sleeping on benches and asked a lot of questions about them. I tried to explain to them that people really do sleep in cardboard boxes. Payton says well it is their on fault! I guess it is but circumstances arise in life that are out of our control and sometimes that happens to people. The weather here is hot and very sticky. Not good if you have frizzy hair like Payton and I do. It takes lots of product to control. I wore a necklace and now I have a fake one on my neck for a while do to the sunburn that resides on my neck:)lol Well we are all stiff and tired and are ready to head to Arlington this morning then to New Jersey to the beach for some play and relaxation.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Well it is 5:15 and I came down to get coffee and need to get ready to go. We are to meet the Obama's for tea at 7:45. We will tour the white house and then stop at the tarance and watch the kids play on the first playground. Parker is so excited!LOL I think I was up every hour making sure that I did not our sleep. Uhhh oh well it will be neat and I can take a rest when we get back. The bad part is that we can not take any pictures. Shimkus himself is going to take us on our tour so I thought it be nice to at least take a group picture of us, but oh well. Brad is going to take his phone they did say that was allowed so maybe we can get one with it. We have a whole list of places that we want to do today so lets see if we get to all of them. Well guess i had better get ready to go. Everyone have a great day and I will tell you all about the President and the first lady on my next post! HEHE
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Went shopping yesterday and swimming and then out for ice cream. Shopping was good we got some good deals. Poor Carol suffered through. The kids did okay. They had those machines that you could ride. Parker figured out how to shake it just right to make it work without using money. We got back Carol made yummy pizza and then we went for a dip in the neighbors pool. Ice Cream and then off to bed! We have a busy day today traveling to the White House. I will try to post tonight but am not sure if I will. Today is Brad's birthday to and I have nothing except a happy birthday love! I will figure something out.
Oh yea Reid when we were at the mall we seen one of those rides that malla cop(Patton's version of mall cop) uses, I wanted to take a picture of it but when Uncle Brad turned around it was gone. The funniest part is when went to get ice cream last night we were pulling out and seen a service van just for those scooter things. Just think of you every time I think of it!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We went to the crayola factory yesterday and that was fun and very busy! They did their demonstration and then they had different stations you could do different activities. You also received 3 tokens to buy crayons, markers, and molding clay with. Didn't do much of anything else but have fun with Harvey, Carol, Ali J and Johnathan. Lots of play time with them! I think Ali J has won my heart over!

This is the total of crayons that has been made since they were invented. We thought the number would be higher.

The kids and I doing some activity. Parker trying to be funny:)

Carol and Ali J

Payton really didn't want her picture taken

Payton really didn't want her picture taken here by a big crayon. I guess I could use it for good blackmail.

How scary does this look! This activity allowed the kids to write on this big plexiglass wall. Parker looks like he is going to take out his brother.
The kids did very well in this very crowded place. Patton did have one melt down though, there were the machines that would flatten and mold a penny and he would not stop crying until we finally let him do one. I was so proud of them we went to the gift shop when it was all done and the only thing they wanted was a 1.50 glow in the dark silly putty! Well better go to bed.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Well we finally made it! We left Olney Sat. night around 6:30ish and stopped in Dayton Ohio around midnight to sleep. After hours of driving and beautiful scenery we made it to Hershey Pa. We got to the Chocolate factory and had a good time and I think I gained a few pounds:0
somewhere in West Virginia so pretty!

The street lights were Hershey kisses. Some were wrapped and like this one some were not.

The street lights were Hershey kisses. Some were wrapped and like this one some were not.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Good night Penny
One night I was on the computer and Parker was at my feet reading
Good Night Moon to Penny Princess. Half asleep myself I got up and went into the boys room to tell them goodnight. Patton was sound asleep but no Parker so I went to our room thinking he crawled up to hang with dad. Nope not in there so I started to panic looked in Payton's room nope not there and not on the couch. I got Brad up and to tell him and he told me to calm down and walked me to the computer moved my chair out of the way and pointed. Oh my goodness how could I miss the little guy.

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