Love and Life
This is a little tid bit on love and life. Brad and I had our 8 year anniversary on the 22nd of July.
In these 8 years we have had a lot of ups and downs. It seems that everyday life can take you on a pretty wild ride sometimes . Sometimes it is easier to say I quit, but you always have to remind yourself why you are in love and what brought you to taking the "big" plunge called marriage. Yes I wonder where I would be with out a husband and kids sometimes but I always come to the conclusion that it would be a pretty boring life! It seems that everyday house cleaning, paying bills taking care of kids and loved ones can make a person feel unappreciated and angry at times. I keep on telling myself that I have to get back to my roots of love and intertwine myself and my mind into that four letter word. It is a lot of hard work no matter who you are or if you have that "perfect" relationship. Keep in mind that "perfect" doesn't exist. Everyone has problems from time to time whether it is financial, communication, appreciation or whatever else. Just always remember it takes two to fall in love and it takes two to fix these problems and create a stronger bond between the both. Love should be the first priority and the rest falls into place. Without it you can not have a happy home life or a good attitude towards life. Life is to short to take advantage of it, and the one person that you created your life with. So with that this blog is for you love, you are my best friend, my rock, my lover, and lord knows the only one I can show my true colors to. Thank you! I love more than words can say! Thanks for staying by my side through it all.

Congrats on your recent anniversary! Love the song, wedding photos, and your words.
Happy Belated Anniversary. We have some great memory's of that day too.
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