We just wanted to wish Uncle Brad a very happy birthday! He graduated in the late 80's and should remember a few things:

I can see you in a pair of these glasses maybe not the mullet or the fresh perm
sure puts the Wii to shame nothing beats frogger!
I wonder how heavy these are, and not to mention the $2.00 a phone call or something stupid like that

Okay Brad I would love to see you on the light up dance floor that would be kick ass!
Oh Yea Chips
We had my little brother convinced that he was from Melmac just like ALF
Thriller night
Great things came out of the 80's and even the you were not born in the 80's I am sure that was where most of your memories came from. Even at that who doesn't love the 80's! They were the bomb!
Hope you had a great day,
The Mann Clan
Happy Birthday Brad...from The Dorn family!
Happy Birthday Brad!
Nice senior pic.
Love the eighties info Megan. Just think in 9 years we could be doing this for you!
yep nine years. Seems like a life time but will be around the corner It will a rockin good time! Love you long time!
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