Payton and Aunt Melissa at Payton's Conformation. Wow doesn't she look so grown up

Payton did the living wax museum at school this year. She was Selena Gomez from wicked witch of Waverley. I had her speech recorded but for some reason it will not download.

This is Payton some friends of our children Issac and Avery

Avery was so excited to get her picture with Hanna Montana. She could hardly wait Thanks girls!

Payton did the living wax museum at school this year. She was Selena Gomez from wicked witch of Waverley. I had her speech recorded but for some reason it will not download.

This is Payton some friends of our children Issac and Avery

Avery was so excited to get her picture with Hanna Montana. She could hardly wait Thanks girls!
and last but not least Smiles! I could have the worst day in the world and take one look at him and it all goes away!
1 comment:
I was honored to attend your
Confirmation into Christ. Never
forget that this was the day
on which you accepted Christ on
your own. God is here for you.
God Bless You ...
Neighbor Larry
P.S. I will never forget the first
time I really met you. You were
only 5 or 6 and you showed up
at the door with orange pieces,
which you had peeled and prepared
all by yourself for Mom. Right
then and there I knew that you
were a special lady and I nor
your friend and neighbor Mrs. Emma
will ever think any different.
Keep-On-Keep-On Payton and never
forget your "roots".
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
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