Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I told the boys Monday that for every stick they picked up I would give them 10 cents, and for every big stick I would give them 20 cents. Who knew that they would pick up so many sticks! Parker recieved $4.80 and Patton got $2.20. Patton would only pick up the big sticks and there were not many of those, so bigger is not always better!

Parker with lots of sticks

Patton loking for those "big" ones and yes that is his swim suit

Happy to have some more change and a few dollars in their jars

Patton wants a dirt bike and Parker wants a 4 wheeler. I think it will take a lot more sticks. At least they are getting the idea of working hard and saving your money for something that you really want.


Lori said...

Gotta teach them young to work for their money. And uh ... nice suit!

Megan said...

I wish I had one in mt size! That's what I need for the river!

DeAnn said...

Look at those penny pinchers...they must get that from their Mom! :) Patton found a penny under our table today and he was SO excited!