My niece called me bright and early this morning wanting to know if I would help her get ready for 80's day at school. Each class had a different decade to dress like and hers was the 80's! I told heck yea I would help her. She came over and I got to tease her hair and help her put her MaDonna ribbon in. Gee I love the teasing! Thanks Mikaela I had a fun early morning surprise. I hope you had a great day. I just wish you would have let me put some more eyeshadow and eyeliner on you! Got to love the 80's
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
80's day for Mikaela
My niece called me bright and early this morning wanting to know if I would help her get ready for 80's day at school. Each class had a different decade to dress like and hers was the 80's! I told heck yea I would help her. She came over and I got to tease her hair and help her put her MaDonna ribbon in. Gee I love the teasing! Thanks Mikaela I had a fun early morning surprise. I hope you had a great day. I just wish you would have let me put some more eyeshadow and eyeliner on you! Got to love the 80's
My niece called me bright and early this morning wanting to know if I would help her get ready for 80's day at school. Each class had a different decade to dress like and hers was the 80's! I told heck yea I would help her. She came over and I got to tease her hair and help her put her MaDonna ribbon in. Gee I love the teasing! Thanks Mikaela I had a fun early morning surprise. I hope you had a great day. I just wish you would have let me put some more eyeshadow and eyeliner on you! Got to love the 80's
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Parker "middle" Mann
Well last Friday night we had some excitement around here. We got home and Payton informed us that we had been "nigger knocked"(not a good phrase but I don't know what else it is called). Well at 1:30 Brad got out of bed and said the garage light is on I think someone is out there. So I thought it was the kids coming back for some more fun. I heard a knock at the side door and went into the front room thinking I was going to be sneaky and catch the little devils in the act. Brad came into the front room and said that Parker was not in bed and that his window is cracked. What a mothers nightmare my kid had been snatched! The person knocked even harder and I opened the door to none the less my baby standing in the door way scared to death! He had been sleeping walking unlocked his bedroom window and climbed out. He went to the garage turned on the light turned it off and must have woke up and ran to the house. OMG!! After getting him back to bed all I could do was think to myself what if he wouldn't have woke up and ended up 4 blocks away. What if we would not have heard him knocking?? Well I ended up with a horrible stomach ache and a little boy that was scared to sleep in his room again. That Sunday night he said mom I don't trust myself in my bed can I sleep in yours? Of course I told him no and he said well what if you can't find me next time? I told him I found him once I would find him again. Sniff sniff. Here is my baby sleeping soundly and the window he unlocked and crawled out of. Never a dull moment around here!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Burning down the house with green walls!
I had to work this evening and did not get home until 8:00. When I walked in there was this very funny smell, the closer I got to the kitchen the more it smelled like something was burning or had been on fire. Parker came in from outside and said oh yea mom Patton put a bag a popcorn in the microwave for 26 min. and this is what happened. OH MY BLEEP! Patton came in and just looked at me and would not speak. I asked what he did and gave him the drill. The poor boy was speechless! He hugged my neck and laid his head on my shoulder and was crying. I asked him why he was sad and he said I am not sad those are just drops coming from my eyes. He finally said that the smoke scared him and all he wanted was a snack. I hope he learned his lesson and I am glad that he was not hurt! So in the mean time I asked Brad where he was and he said painting "your"walls green. Okay 1. I am speechless about the green walls and 2. Why do men not pay attention to there kids! "What I was "babysitting" them". "Babysitting" what I had these kids all by myself and then ask a man to "babysit" them every once in a while?! Oh my Men. LOL Tell me what you think about the green walls. Not that Brad would change them I think it will look OK once we get the rest of it in place. (I think) Besides I better not push my luck it has only taking a year for this bathroom to get put together!
where is that Mr. clean magic eraser?
what a sad face. "I'm sorry muma"
yes that is a bag of popcorn!
almost done
this is part of the shower, Yes dear you have done a good job so far
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Extra, Extra Read All About It! 
Yes That is correct you are looking at the newest member of the family! To our surprise baby Jermayne will be here sometime at the end of April. He/She is doing well and has a strong heartbeat! Mom has been a little under the weather this week but is felling better everyday.

Yes That is correct you are looking at the newest member of the family! To our surprise baby Jermayne will be here sometime at the end of April. He/She is doing well and has a strong heartbeat! Mom has been a little under the weather this week but is felling better everyday.
So if you see Jermayne's mommy or daddy tell them congrats. What you think I am that crazy to have another one? The proud parents are my brother Matt and his wonderful bride Lindsey. I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to be an aunt again.
Congrats guys!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My little girl turned 14!
Payton had her 14th b-day on the 8th of sept. It is hard to believe that I could have a 14 year old. Payton and I have learned a lot about life together and I have enjoyed her immensely for the first 14 years of her life and look forward to the next 14 years. Time flies way to fast.
Payton I know that I am hard on you I just want you to learn from my mistakes! You are a great kid and I love you very much!! Happy birthday sister
Her hospital mugshot
Gee I was way to young
You always loved music
your fuzzy hair and big brown eyes
my little cookie monster
At one point in your life you and Brad used to not but heads
First Pre-school picture
Pre-school graduation
first day of kindergarten
A little black mail!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I told the boys Monday that for every stick they picked up I would give them 10 cents, and for every big stick I would give them 20 cents. Who knew that they would pick up so many sticks! Parker recieved $4.80 and Patton got $2.20. Patton would only pick up the big sticks and there were not many of those, so bigger is not always better!

Patton wants a dirt bike and Parker wants a 4 wheeler. I think it will take a lot more sticks. At least they are getting the idea of working hard and saving your money for something that you really want.
Parker with lots of sticks
Patton loking for those "big" ones and yes that is his swim suit
Happy to have some more change and a few dollars in their jars
Patton wants a dirt bike and Parker wants a 4 wheeler. I think it will take a lot more sticks. At least they are getting the idea of working hard and saving your money for something that you really want.
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