Life and Death
Sorry I have not blogged for a while. My internet has been down, but with the help of Paul Tait it is up and running again.Last Friday Brad's grammie lost her battle and passed away. She went peacefully and is in a better place. Grammie was an excepitonal women, always had a story and enjoyed her life the best way she could. We are all going to miss her!
It always make me put life into perspective when someone passes. I take so much for granted we all do. The important things in life should be your faith, family, loved ones and friends. There are so many times that I think that money and materials are going to make me happy, but keeping up with the Jone's is not why we were put on this earth. God gave his only begotten son so we could have eternal life. John 3:16. Now not to get all churchy on you, but that is true! Each and every one of us are here to do some part in each others lives. We need to live our lives to strive to be a better person every day. What can I do to help some one out today? If we all believed this we would live in a better world. It is hard to let money and materials, and competition get in the way. We are all just human, nobody is perfect. I always tell the kids perfect doesn't exist. Don't take anything or anyone for granted. I know that I wish we would have spent more time with Grammie, but I can not dwell on that, just learn from it. Life is a learning process we all have to learn from our mistakes. Now with that go give your loved ones a big hug and kiss and tell how much they mean to you. Never give up your faith with it all things big and small will be easier to handle!

I totally understand where you are coming from. After spending this weekend with Lee's sister and kids, it made me realize how much I'm missing out on. I hadn't seen them in over a year. Her baby will be "1" in a couple of weeks and this is the first time I had seen him. Of course with six kids it is hard for them to travel ... maybe it's up to me since I only have three? We'll see.
Sorry about Grammie, but she is in a better place. It's still hard though. Good night.
I too understand - great words of inspiration today!
Again, sorry to hear about Grammie. Sounds like she was a great favorite photo is the one of her holding Parker and Patton. Looks like she had her hands full!
Off to give Maddox a hug and I'll probably get a snotty kiss along with it. I love those!
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