I had a ultrasound compliments of a friend who works at Mt. Carmel hospital I have pictures but my computer won't read my scanner and can't figure out what the problem is. Yes I might have already found out the sex but I am not saying if there are dangles or no dangles;-) Nikki thinks she is sure of what she seen or did not see but I am not thoroughly convinced so maybe at my next ultrasound I will let the world know.
I had a checkup this week everything looks good baby does not sit still to hear much of the heart beat but it did sound good. I choose to get tested for genetic problems not that I can do anything about it if there is a problem. I will love it all the same if not more if there were a problem, I just thought it would be nice to be educated about it.
Home life is rough working lots of late nights and so is Brad and no help from him makes it rough. Oh well it will get better soon. Kids are good and ready for school to be out. I can say I am not though.
I am trying to get my house all fixed up to show to a couple who wants to come and see it. I just don't have any place to go and live if I do sell it.(I love you mom and dad)hehe
Well better get my but ready for work enjoy the lovely day out today.
Oh my brother called with a great name if it was a boy "Jamall" he says since Miles was "Jermane" on my blog that this baby should be called "Jamall" so if you notice my ticker "Jamall" it is:)

Spill the beans and tell us what it is! I need time to make a quilt and those cute little dresses!!!
Dresses or no dresses or pink quilt or blue quilt we will just have to wait and see. You might be surprised or not you just never know???;-)
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