Wonder what we made tonight? Well here it is Chocoholic cake
Pretty easy to do and very moist and delicious!
You will need 1 box any moist chocolate cake
1 large box JELLO chocolate pudding
3 large eggs
1/2 c. sour cream
1-1/2 c. milk
1c. chocolate chips
mix the first 5 ingredients. Fold in the chips. bake in a bundt pan for 50-55 min @ 350 degrees
For a little extra I drizzle icing on top. yumm-o

Tasty tuesday part 2
Well I decided to make this cake for Brad Doll (Sister-in-laws hubby). I have heard he seems to like it. Brad and his brother Chris were in a wreck on monday. Thank goodness they were treated and released, by the looks of the pictures it could have been a lot worse. I think maybe somebody was on your side boys, thank goodness:) We are very glad to know that you are okay. Brad gave me permission to post the next photos. It is only human nature for people to wonder what a wrecked car or truck may look like. Thanks Brad. Oh and if you are wondering I didn't leave Chris out we made him some chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate always perks me up so I hope it will you to.
Brad don't worry your brain to much trying to figure out how things went down that day and Chris take care of yourself so you can get back to your funny crazy self. Oh and I hope it all taste good I really want to try the cake Brad so there might be a piece...or two missing. Just joshin ya.
First of all - the cake looks great...but Holy Cow...The Doll boys are really lucky!!
Hope they are doing well - tell them we're thinking about them!
Enough already; who won the
darn Tasty Tuesday Drawing?
Skunkity, Miss Priss and George
Meow .......
Thank you for the cookies and meal. It's nice to have wonderful neighbors who know when to make your day brighter.
Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule and thinking of us.
Chris, Gwyne, Haven and Jarrett
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