The Malacon(boardwalk) okay if you are sick of the Mexico pictures I am sorry, just a couple more and I will be done.
This was the church it was amazing!
Their were a few sand arts that people had made for the festival
This local didn't seem to mind how close you got to him.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Mexican Christmas Tree
ginger bread house
chocolate covered marshmallowSanta sleigh
a pretty sunset
I got up one morning at 7:00 and the moon was still out.
One out of four restaurants in our resort was Brazilian and it was GOOD!
you can't really see it, but there is an iguana in the tree on the left. He was in the same spot the whole trip so we just thought it was a sales pitch!
These were our towel animals. when the maids came in they would always make some new towel decoration.
I asked if she could make a snake and she said si. This is what she made a boat with two crabs. Guess I had better brush up on my espanol for next time!
PuertoVallarta Mexico Well Brad and I just got back from Mexico late Sunday night. The weather was wonderful it was so hard to get used to this yucky weather(I know, I know boo hoo) We had a great time and I am ready to go back. It is nice to not have a schedule or have to run a kid somewhere. A little taste of a fantasy world! I missed my kids by the end of the trip and was ready to go home. Our lovely airplane I really don't like to fly at all!
The clouds. The boys like the cloud pictures The beach was not clear and the sand was not white but it still was nice! I even did some jogging in the morning!
Brad playing volleyball. He wanted me to play, but I couldn't hold my drink and play at the same time.
Brad took this picture of the little Mexican girls teaching some poor lady how to dance.
a nativity scene in the front of our resort.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
More of Parker's thursday night fun. I couldn't seem to get it to post with the video. The music you hear is Parker's favorite song in the whole world!
We had Parker's birthday with just us on thursday night. He wanted homemade pizza so that is what he got. We gave him an ipod shuffle and downloaded some songs for him. Needless to say he loves it. Patton loves it just as much, so much he doesn't want to give it back to Parker. This came out dark, but it is Parker break dancing to his ipod.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Parker D's birthday is today. It is hard to believe that 7 years ago I was in the hospital waiting to see my first born son. What a joyous time that was. It sure did make Christmas a true miracle. Parker Mommy and daddy love you very much and are very proud of you! This is one of the songs that I used to sing to all three of my kids and rock them to sleep. Parker still wants me to rock him and sing to him. I will hate to see the day come when he doesn't want rocked.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Look out Jonas Brothers! Saturday night after the Christmas parade we went over to Uncle "Macs" and Aunt "Wyndsey's" house to have a little jam session. My brothers dear friend Seth and his wife Janelle were home for Thanksgiving. Matt and Seth used to play guitars when they were younger they even had a band called Urination that's right Your a Nation! Parker was very excited to get the opportunity to play with the Urination band thanks guys for doing that he loved every minute. I wish these videos were a little lighter so you can see, but at least you can hear the future Jonas brother play!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well yesterday I had my top left wisdom tooth pulled out a cavity filled and a sealant done. All I know is that my mouth was so numb I talked funny and was afraid I might bite my tongue off because it was a big thing in my mouth.
Well Parker came home and right before bed he decided that he would try to pull out one of the four teeth that are loose and he did. Well we put his tooth and my tooth in his tooth container and hoped that the tooth fairy would come. Yea she did, but she only left Parker a dollar and not me:(
STOP: If you don't like blood don't look below!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Payton and her friend had a science project to do for today. They had to recreate the white house and this is what they came up with. That is the President behind the table and the stick guys and clay dudes are his body guards. With what I hear Our Future President will need those body guards because he has the biggest death threat of any American President!
We left Mr. President in the oven to long and he came out the perfect color. Okay that does not sound right but it was funny at the time. No I am not against Mr. President elect either.
I have been a mother for 16 years. A wife for 10 and a hair stylist for 12 years. I work at Textures Salon, Fox River, and Emerald Glen. I love my life and my job and look forward to each day that the good Lord gives me.