Parker wanted a school of rock birthday party with a jam session so that is what he got. He invited all the boys in his class and a few other friends and cousins. They made shakers, decorated cupcakes, and had Leroy Jones come and play a few songs for them. They even joined in and jammed with him. Yes they ran around the house a lot which overwhelmed Parker a bit. I think he has his mothers anxiety problem. He had a bit of a melt down and locked himself in the bathroom crying and Parker is not one to cry unless he has had to much! All in all he said it was the best birthday ever. We passed out t-shirts for the kids that had a guitar on the back that said Parker's school of rock. Thanks Charlie! They also got a CD with some of Parker's favorite songs on it big thanks to Jodi! Lori helped with the shakers thank you, thank you. Last but not least Deann helped with the cake THANK YOU he loved it! I am so blessed with a great group of people that surrounds me you guys are all great friends and I am lucky to have you:) I tried to upload Leroy playing but it wouldn't do it so pictures will have to do.
My guy on the first day of pre-school

Now he is a little man with a great new guitar. Practice,practice,practice Parker

Parker and Leroy

Kamdyn listening to Leroy play

The kids listening to Leroy play
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