Sunday, November 9, 2008

Who are you?
Well a couple of days ago Lori(another blogger and good friend) and I were talking about who we thought looks at our blogs. I am a blog stalker and love to see what is going on in different peoples lives regardless if I know them or not. Doesn't it drive you crazy not knowing who checks your blog? I love to hear comments too. I noticed Lori put a little something on her blog about who you are out there. I am doing the same. If you would ever be so kind as to leave a comment from time to time to let me know who is in the blogging world that would be stupendous! I just want to know the mystery behind the blog world and if you like my blog or if it boring. That and I'm curious to see how far away my blogging friends are.
I can't wait to hear something back thanks for all your "HITS", The Crazy Life


Lori said...

I know it's a given that I visit. But here it is in black & white. I love your blog. I look at it but don't always comment. I'll try to do better!

Me love you long time!

Anonymous said...

I am also a bit of a blog stalker : ) I check it daily, and love to keep up with the other mommies!!!

jodi said...

You already know the Schneiders are blog stalkers!

Anonymous said...

Funny you asked the day before I checked in on your blog! I have some "favorite" sites saved on my computer, and every 3 to 4 weeks when I'm bored at work, I check them. I haven't been on for awhile, so I had some catching up to do today! I think some of the things you post are hysterical, and reminds me so much of when my kids were smaller. Thanks for the entertainment, Mary C.

DeAnn said...

I check your blog daily, however, I don't see updates daily...what's up with that! You don't have anything going on that should keep you away from blogging each and every day!

Kidding! It's a "little time" consuming. You're doing a great job.